LIGO Visitor Appointment Application Form       

Applicants for Visitor Appointments and Site Non-Resident Appointments to Caltech, MIT, and the LIGO Observatories in Hanford or Livingston must complete this form. This information is also required to begin the application process for a Caltech sponsored Visa for applicants who are Foreign Nationals.

All applicants must establish an internal point of contact with a LIGO staff sponsor before submitting a request!

Full Name:
 Surname:                 First Name:               M.I.:

Home Address:
(Include Street, City, State/Province/ZipCode, and Country)

Work Address:
(Include Department, Mailcode, Street, City, State/Province/ZipCode, and Country)

Work Phone:      Work Fax:

Home Phone: Email Address:

Current Position/Title:       
Date Current Position Assumed:

PhD Advisor Home Institution: 
Advisor Email:                

Education Summary:
 Degree                    Field                 Year Awarded   Insititution

Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:
 City                      State/Province           Zip Code        Country

Country of Citizenship:

Visa Status:
 No Active Visa
Type of Visa Expiration Date
Health Insurance Coverage: I understand that I must provide proof of full vaccination against COVID-19 prior to starting my assignment at Caltech. Information on how to submit proof of vaccination can be found My COVID-19 Vaccination Documentation Main site that you wish to visit: Caltech LHO LLO MIT Other: Other requested site visits: Caltech LHO LLO MIT Other: Proposed length of visit: Proposed start date and end date for visit: (MM/DD/YYYY) (MM/DD/YYYY) - Are you requesting any monetary reimbursements?Yes No Special Reimbursement Needs/Requests: Laboratory Sponsor: If you do not have a LIGO Laboratory sponsor, please contact Calum Torrie (CIT), Mike Landry (LHO), Peter Fritschel (MIT), or Joe Giaime (LLO) to establish one, prior to submitting this form. Justification (short paragraph) for requested visit:
Clicking on the Submit Form button will cause this form to be processed. A pdf copy of the form will be returned to your browser, another will be emailed to you, and a third will be submitted to LIGO.

Please be certain that you have filled out the form completely before you click! Incomplete forms will lead to delays in the discussion of your application.

In addition to submitting the application form electronically, please email to the address below a copy of your CV and Publication List (with refereed publications clearly marked with an ✱ next to them), noting in the email that you are sending these with reference to your visitor application.

Your email should be sent to

Nately Sych


Visitor Appointment Form 07-25-2019